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Calculate Your 2-Storey Extension Cost

2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator

Estimate the cost of adding a 2-storey extension to your home with our easy-to-use calculator. Get accurate figures in seconds!

Are you dreaming of a bigger, more comfortable house? Do you need more space for your growing family or simply want to create your dream home? A 2 storey extension could be the answer! Before you dive in, have you considered the cost of such an undertaking? No need to worry, we’ve got you covered with our 2 storey extension cost calculator!

Our calculator takes into account all the variables that influence the cost of a 2 storey extension. This includes the size of the extension, the materials you'll need, the location of your property and whether you’ll require planning permission.

In fact, did you know that getting planning permission for a two-storey extension is often easier than for a single-storey extension? Statistically speaking, according to data gathered by Home Owners Alliance, almost twice as many people are successful in getting planning permission for two-storey extensions than for single-storey ones.

So, don't let the cost of an extension stop you from achieving your dream home. Our cost calculator will give you a clear idea of how much it will cost to build a 2 storey extension before you start. Plus, we’ll also show you a variety of materials to choose from and offer advice on how to keep the costs down.

What are you waiting for? Use our 2 storey extension cost calculator today and start planning your dream home without any financial surprises. Let us guide you every step of the way!


Are you tired of your current house and want to build your dream home? Building a 2 storey extension could be the answer to your problems. However, it’s important to take into account the cost of such an undertaking before you start. In this article, we’ll discuss our 2 storey extension cost calculator and how it can help you.

The Cost Calculator

Our calculator takes into consideration all the variables that influence the cost of a 2 storey extension. The size of the extension, materials needed, location and planning permission requirements are all factors that are taken into account. This ensures that the estimated cost is accurate and covers all aspects of the building process.

Planning Permission

You may be surprised to know that getting permission to build a two-storey extension is often easier than obtaining permission for a single-storey one. According to Home Owners Alliance data, almost twice as many people are successful in getting planning permission for two-storey extensions than for single-storey ones.

Planning Permission Requirements

While it may be easier to gain permission for a two-storey extension, there are still requirements that must be met. These requirements vary depending on your location and other factors. Our cost calculator takes these requirements into account to ensure that the estimated cost is accurate.

Material Choices

There are a variety of materials to choose from when building a 2 storey extension. These materials will affect the final cost of the project. Our cost calculator shows you different options and gives advice on how to keep the costs down without compromising on quality.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Material Choices

Each material choice has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. For example, brick is durable and long-lasting but can be expensive. On the other hand, wood may be less expensive but is not as durable. Our calculator gives you a wide range of choices and lets you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each material option.


The location of your property can also affect the cost of a 2 storey extension. Factors such as access to the building site, transport costs and the local cost of living all affect the final cost. Our calculator takes these factors into account to provide an accurate estimate of the cost of building a 2 storey extension in your location.

Comparison of Location Costs

Location Average Cost
London £70,000 - £110,000
South East £50,000 - £90,000
Midlands £40,000 - £70,000
North £30,000 - £60,000

Keeping Costs Down

Building a 2 storey extension doesn’t have to break the bank. Our cost calculator offers advice on how to keep costs down without compromising the quality of the build. This includes tips on choosing cheaper materials, using recycled materials and negotiating on labour costs.

Negotiating with Contractors

One of the most effective ways to keep costs down is to negotiate with contractors. Our cost calculator gives you an idea of what the estimated cost of your project should be, allowing you to negotiate effectively.


Building a 2 storey extension is an exciting project that requires careful planning and consideration of costs. Our online cost calculator can help ensure that you have a clear idea of the final cost before you begin the build. Keep in mind the importance of planning permission, material choices, location and negotiating with contractors to keep costs down.

What is a 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator?

A 2 storey extension cost calculator is a valuable tool that helps homeowners estimate the cost of building a two-story extension to their existing property. It provides an efficient and convenient way to get an approximate budget for the project before consulting with professionals. This cost calculator takes into account various factors such as labor, materials, permits, and additional expenses to generate an estimated construction budget.

How Does a 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator Work?

Using a 2 storey extension cost calculator is a straightforward and user-friendly process. The calculator typically consists of an online form where users input their project details. These details may include the size of the extension, materials used, additional features, and design preferences. Once all the necessary information is provided, the cost calculator uses algorithms and formulas to calculate the estimated construction costs based on the given inputs.

Inputting Your Project Details

When using a 2 storey extension cost calculator, it is essential to accurately input your project details. This includes providing the dimensions of the extension, such as the length, width, and height. Additionally, you may need to specify the materials you plan to use, such as brick, wood, or steel. Furthermore, you should include any additional features or specific requirements you have in mind, such as windows, doors, or built-in storage. The more detailed and accurate the information provided, the more precise the cost estimate will be.

Estimating Construction Costs

A 2 storey extension cost calculator considers several factors when estimating construction costs. These factors include labor, materials, permits, and other associated expenses. Labor costs depend on the complexity of the project and the prevailing wage rates in your area. Materials costs are influenced by the type and quality of materials chosen. Permits and other associated costs, such as architectural fees or inspections, are also taken into account. By considering all these factors, the cost calculator generates an estimated construction budget for your two-story extension project.

Considering Design and Layout Preferences

Design and layout preferences play a significant role in the final cost of a two-story extension. A cost calculator may ask you to provide information about your design and layout preferences to help generate a more accurate estimate. For instance, specifying the number and size of windows, the type of flooring, or the style of interior finishes can impact the overall cost of the project. By considering these preferences, the cost calculator can provide a more tailored estimate that aligns with your specific design choices.

Accounting for Additional Expenses

It is crucial to account for additional expenses when using a 2 storey extension cost calculator. These expenses may include professional fees, landscaping, and interior finishes. Professional fees could include costs for architects, engineers, or surveyors. Landscaping costs may involve site preparation, garden design, or outdoor amenities. Interior finishes encompass everything from paint and wallpaper to lighting fixtures and appliances. By factoring in these additional expenses, the cost calculator provides a more comprehensive budget for your two-story extension project.

Adjusting for Regional Variances in Construction Costs

Construction costs can vary significantly from one region to another. A 2 storey extension cost calculator may have default values based on average national or regional costs. However, it is essential to adjust these values to reflect the specific construction costs in your area. The cost calculator may provide instructions or options to input regional variances, such as labor rates or material costs. By adjusting for regional differences, you can obtain a more accurate estimate that aligns with the cost realities of your location.

Understanding the Limitations of a 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator

While a 2 storey extension cost calculator is a helpful tool, it has its limitations. It provides estimates based on the information provided and predetermined algorithms. However, it cannot account for unforeseen circumstances or unexpected issues that may arise during the construction process. Additionally, the cost calculator may not consider specific local regulations or site conditions that could impact costs. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with professionals, such as architects or contractors, who can provide a more accurate estimate based on a thorough assessment of your project.

Comparing Quotes from Contractors

Once you have obtained an estimated construction budget from a 2 storey extension cost calculator, it is essential to compare quotes from different contractors. The cost calculator's estimate can serve as a baseline for evaluating the quotes received. By comparing the quotes, you can assess the competitiveness of the pricing and the services offered by each contractor. It is advisable to choose a contractor who not only offers a reasonable price but also has a good reputation and experience in handling similar projects. Taking the time to compare quotes helps ensure that you make an informed decision when selecting a contractor for your two-story extension project.

Finalizing Budget and Planning

A 2 storey extension cost calculator is a valuable tool to help finalize your budget and plan for your project. It provides an estimate of the construction costs, taking into account various factors and preferences. Once you have obtained the estimate, you can use it as a guide to determine the feasibility of your project and make any necessary adjustments. You can then proceed with confidence, knowing that you have a clearer understanding of the potential costs involved. By using the cost calculator as a planning tool, you can ensure a smoother and more successful completion of your two-story extension project.

The 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator: A Story of Convenience and Accuracy

Once upon a time, in the world of home renovations and construction, there was a tool that revolutionized the way homeowners planned their dream extensions. This tool was called the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator. It was a brilliant creation that provided a simple and efficient way to estimate the cost of adding an extra floor to a house.

The Birth of the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator

Created by a team of experienced architects and builders, the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator aimed to provide homeowners with an accurate estimate of how much their desired extension would cost. The creators understood the frustrations and challenges that came with budgeting for such projects, and they wanted to simplify the process.

With this goal in mind, they meticulously gathered data on construction costs, materials, labor, and other essential factors that determined the total expense of a 2 storey extension. They then used their expertise to develop a sophisticated algorithm that could generate estimates based on the inputs provided by homeowners.

How Does the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator Work?

The 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator is incredibly user-friendly. Homeowners simply need to input some basic information about their desired extension, such as the size, number of rooms, and level of finishes they prefer. The calculator takes these inputs and produces an accurate estimate of the cost.

The calculator's algorithm takes into account regional variations in construction costs, material prices, and labor rates. It also considers the complexity of the project, including any structural changes or additional features requested by the homeowner.

By using the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator, homeowners no longer have to rely on rough estimates or quotes from contractors that may not align with their budget. They can confidently plan their project, knowing exactly how much it will cost them.

The Benefits of the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator

There are numerous advantages to using the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator:

  1. Accuracy: The calculator's algorithm ensures that the estimate provided is as accurate as possible, taking into account various factors that influence the total cost.
  2. Convenience: Homeowners can access the calculator online at any time, making it incredibly convenient to use. They no longer need to schedule appointments or wait for quotes from contractors.
  3. Budgeting: By knowing the estimated cost upfront, homeowners can plan their budget more effectively and make informed decisions about their extension project.
  4. Time-saving: The calculator saves homeowners precious time by providing an instant estimate. They can quickly evaluate different options without having to wait for a contractor to provide a quote.

Overall, the 2 Storey Extension Cost Calculator is a game-changer in the world of home renovations. It empowers homeowners to take control of their projects, ensuring that they can make educated decisions based on accurate cost estimates.

Factors Input Information
Size of Extension Square footage or dimensions
Number of Rooms Bedrooms, bathrooms, living areas, etc.
Level of Finishes Basic, standard, high-end
Location Region or city
Structural Changes Additions or modifications to the existing structure

As you reach the end of this blog post about the 2-storey extension cost calculator, we hope that you have found the information informative and helpful for your project. We understand that renovating or extending your home can be a daunting task, and cost is a crucial factor to consider before getting started.

The 2-storey extension cost calculator has proven to be a great tool for homeowners looking to estimate the cost of their next home renovation project. With the help of this calculator, you can get a rough idea of what your project might cost, allowing you to plan your finances accordingly.

Keep in mind that the calculated cost is just an estimate and may vary from the actual amount. However, using a cost calculator before getting started can help you avoid unexpected expenses along the way.

If you are planning to extend or renovate your home, it's essential to do thorough research and have a clear understanding of what you want. You can always consult a professional builder or architect to get more accurate estimates and guidance throughout the process.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post. We wish you all the best with your home renovation project and hope that you find our website and resources helpful in achieving your dream home.

When it comes to 2 storey extension cost calculator, there are several questions that people often ask. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. How much does a 2 storey extension cost?
    The cost of a 2 storey extension can vary greatly depending on a number of factors including the size of the extension, the materials used, and the location. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from £30,000 to £70,000 for a 2 storey extension.
  2. Is it cheaper to build up or out for a 2 storey extension?
    Building up is generally cheaper than building out for a 2 storey extension because it requires less foundation work and site preparation. However, building up may require additional supports and reinforcements, which can increase the cost.
  3. Can I get a rough estimate for my 2 storey extension with a cost calculator?
    Yes, you can get a rough estimate of the cost of your 2 storey extension with a cost calculator. However, keep in mind that these calculators are not always accurate and should be used as a guide only.
  4. What factors affect the cost of a 2 storey extension?
    There are several factors that can affect the cost of a 2 storey extension including the size of the extension, the materials used, the location, the complexity of the build, and any additional features such as windows, doors, or skylights.
  5. Can I save money on my 2 storey extension?
    Yes, there are several ways to save money on your 2 storey extension. One way is to choose cost-effective materials and finishes. Another way is to work with an experienced builder who can help you find ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality.